Azee 250mg (Azithromycin)


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Azithromycin 250- An Effective Bacterial Infection Treatment

Bacteria are the element that is present in the world in an abundant amount. There is no place in the world where bacteria are not present. Even the human body comprises plenty of bacteria. The reason behind this is that all the microorganism bacteria are not harmful. There are various strains of bacteria that are safe for human beings. On the other side, the chance of an opposite type of bacteria is also equally possible.

Yes, there are plenty of bacteria that cause various diseases in the human body, like nose infections, sinusitis, and skin infection. Now the chances of a person catching these bacterial infections are too high. That is why there is a need for an antibiotic medicine that is effective and can treat a range of bacterial infections. The name of one such medicine is Azithromycin 250. If you are one of those people whose immunity is low and get infected with the bacteria easily, then they should know in detail about the medicine that is discussed below.

About Azithromycin 250

The name azithromycin is a salt that is used to treat bacterial infections. The amount of salt that is present in 1 tablet is equal to 250 mg, which is enough to kill bacterial infections. The working of the medicine is that when you take medicine is to stop the bacteria from producing the protein. Yes, when the bacteria start entering the body, then they produce some protein which is useful for their growth in the body. Now, as the salt dissolves in the body, then the protein production will halt. If the production of protein will halt, then the growth will not happen, and they will be removed with the help of the immune system as they can handle the small number of bacteria, which is possible due to Azithromycin 250.

What is Azithromycin 250 used for?

There are plenty of issues that can be resolved easily with the help of the Azithromycin 250. The main ones are discussed below in detail.

  • The first issue resolved by the Azithromycin 250 is the sinus infections. The causal bacterium is Streptococcus pneumonia.
  • The issues of pneumonia are also resolved with the help of Azithromycin 250 medicine.
  • There are a few obstructive pulmonary diseases also which the medicine can handle better.
  • People who are facing the issues of tonsils can also take the help of the Azithromycin 250.
  • The bacteria growth in the urethra and cervix caused due to the Chlamydia trachomatis is also resolved with the Azithromycin 250.
  • Skin Infection caused due to the Staphylococcus aureus is also resolved with the help of Azithromycin 250.
  • Ear infections due to M. catarrhalis in children are also resolved by the medicine, but the doses need to be taken care of very keenly.

Azithromycin 250 Tablet Dosage

As we have noticed that there are plenty of issues that are resolved with the Azithromycin 250 medicine, then we cannot generalize the dose of the medicine. The physician that you are consulting, the issue, and its severity will help in deciding the dose of the medicine. No matter how many doses you are recommended, you should always ask them to fix the time of the dose.

Missed dose

If you have missed a dose, then you should keep in mind that you have to take medicine as soon as possible. But if the time left for the next dose is only 12 hours, then you should opt out of the medicine.


Overdose of the medicine can be harmful to the body as more and more side effects will be visible, and it can also result in fainting. That is why as soon as you come to know that you have taken an overdose, you must contact your physician and ask for treatment.

Available Dosage Here: Azithromycin 500

How to take Azithromycin 250?

To take the Azithromycin 250, you should only remember that the tablet should be taken by mouth, and it is their decision to take food or not with the medicine. The food will help to minimize the side effects of the medicine, which is very important. Also, one has to remember that the dosage should be consumed in its original form as a tablet. If any change is made, then the medicine will not show an appropriate action on the body.

Can I buy this drug online?

The medicine can be brought online easily, but the fact is true that it is not an over-the-counter medicine. The person will need a prescription for buying the medicine if they are opting for an online source of buying also. But it is right that the medicine should be brought online, and the reasons are higher quality, less pricing of medicine, and the maintenance of proper privacy.

You can Buy Direct Here:


There are a few precautionary measures that are to be kept in mind when you are taking medicine. They are:-

  • When visiting the doctor, you should always keep in mind to discuss all your medication and allergies with the physician.
  • With bacterial vaccines, the medicine should not be consumed.
  • Older people should take care when consuming Azithromycin 250. They may notice extra side effects.


  • Pregnant ladies should ask the doctor that they should take medicine or not.
  • The case of the breastfeeding ladies is as same as the pregnant ladies.
  • Alcohol consumption must be totally avoided with the Azithromycin 250 along with cigarette and marijuana smoking.
  • Grapefruit and its juices should be avoided by a person with Azithromycin 250.
  • A person should avoid doing any concentration requiring work after they consume the Azithromycin 250 medicine.

Azithromycin 250 Tablet Side Effects

Side effects of the medicine can be many according to the medical trials, but it is not necessary that everybody shows those side effects. Still, one should know about them to be prepared.

  • The upsetting of the stomach, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting, is common in people causing stomach pains.
  • One may notice a loss of appetite and stools from their body due to Azithromycin 250.
  • Allergic reactions like nymph node allergies, skin allergies, rashes, and swelling can also happen.
  • Headache is very common in people when it comes to side effects, along with nausea.
  • Dizziness and drowsiness are also common when it comes to medicine consumption.
  • Irregularity in a heartbeat can be noticed.
  • A person may notice a change in the sleep cycle of the person.


Is this drug being safe?

Yes, the drug is completely marked safe for consumption for normal people. But if the people have allergies to the drug or are taking some other drug that interacts with the medicine, then it can pose some issue in the person’s body.

Is Azithromycin 250 be used for the rest of your living?

For the rest of the living, a person will not require the medicine Azithromycin 250. There is a fixed term of medicine consumption according to the disease which is required to be completed. After that, a person does not need the medicine.

How do I take Azithromycin 250?

The medicine Azithromycin 250 is taken orally with the help of water. Also, it would be best if you take the food alongside medicine if you want to get rid of the side effects that are related to the medicine. The medicine is also required to be taken in solid tablet form as it is. Any kind of change can affect the action of the medicine.

Is Azithromycin 250 safe to take daily?

The medicine Azithromycin 250 is marked as safe for daily consumption if it is the demand of the situation. But from person to person, the situation can vary. If the person is normal and has no allergies, then they can take medicine every day.

Can I get Azithromycin 250 online?

Yes, a person can easily get the medicine online through a number of websites that are available online. A person should select which website is the best for the task so that they can land the best website for ordering the medicine Azithromycin 250 online.


120 Tablet/s, 60 Tablet/s, 90 Tablet/s

Active Ingredient (Generic Name)



Bacterial infections of the eye, Conjunctivitis, Bacterial infections


Cipla Ltd


1, 3, 6, 10 Tablets in Strips



Delivery Time

6 To 15 days


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